News Details

Diversity and Inclusion Policy


This SQ Zone Member Protection Policy* (policy) aims to assist the AOCRA South Queensland Branch Inc (AOCRA SQB, our”, usor we) to uphold its core values and create a safe, fair and inclusive environment for everyone associated with our sport. It sets out our commitment to ensure that every person bound by the policy is treated with respect and dignity and protected from discrimination, harassment and abuse. It also seeks to ensure that everyone involved in our sport is aware of their key legal and ethical rights and responsibilities, as well as the standards of behaviour expected of them.


The attachments to this policy describe the practical steps we will take to eliminate discrimination, harassment, child abuse and other forms of inappropriate behaviour from our sport. As part of this commitment, the policy allows AOCRA SQB to take disciplinary action against any person or organisation bound by this policy if they breach the policy.


This policy has been endorsed by the AOCRA SQZ Committee and has been adopted under Objects 7(d) of the AOCRA South Queensland Branch Inc. Constitution (5 November 2005). The policy is effective as at 1 November 2018 and will operate until replaced.


A condensed version of this policy is located on our website at 


A full version of this policy and all its attachments is avaiable HERE